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Personal Injury Lawsuit Timeline
22 Jul

Personal Injury Lawsuit Timeline

There is always a great deal of uncertainty in personal injury lawsuits. Yet, you don’t have to be “in the dark” about your legal case. Here is what you can expect before and after you file a personal injury lawsuit: You suffer harm due to negligence. You get medical attention. You hire a personal injury…

The Top Causes of Distracted Driving

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that distracted driving is classified into three categories: Manual. This is when a distraction takes one or both hands off the wheel. Cognitive. This is when your mind is focused on something other than driving. Visual. This is when your eyes are not on the road––even…

What You Should Know about Car Crash-Related PTSD

A car accident is an inherently traumatic experience. Then, it makes sense that many victims suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This diagnosis could mean drastic changes to your life, career, health, and finances. To understand how to navigate the aftermath, here’s what you should know about car-crash-related PTSD. Recognizing PTSD and Getting the Help…

Improper Settlement Tactics to Watch Out for

Improper settlement tactics to watch out for include: Refusal to process your insurance claim without explanation Delaying your claim without explanation Partial payment of your claim Any type of intimidation Insurance companies must treat you fairly. They must provide certain types of information upon request. If you’ve been treated unfairly by an insurance company after…

Knee Injuries Caused by Car Accident

Knee injuries caused by car accidents can lead to pain and immobility with costly and extensive medical care. The driver whose negligence led to the accident and your knee injuries can be held financially liable for your medical bills and other monetary damages. You can recover lost wages, pain and suffering, and additional expenses and…

Texas Car Accident Settlement Process and Timeline

Every car accident in Texas is a unique event that can have many varying factors that affect the time between accident and resolution. On your own, it can be difficult to determine how long it will take to settle your case. A personal injury lawyer in your area can explain the possible Texas car accident…

Things to Know about Car Accident Settlement Agreements

If you got injured in a collision, here are some things to know about car accident settlement agreements: You don’t have to accept an unfair settlement offer.  You have a limited time to file an injury lawsuit.  You cannot ask for more funds after accepting a settlement.  You don’t want to settle too early.  Your…

Indications You Have a Strong Personal Injury Case

Many indications could point to you having a strong personal injury case. From the comprehensive nature of your medical records to the strength of the defendant’s offer, you could estimate what your case might be worth based on many factors. Remember, signs that your case could be viable will never guarantee success. No one can…

Community Hero Scholarship Winner – Gabrielle Kostecki

Gabrielle Kostecki learned firsthand what it means to be a true superhero in her community. When she and her family spent the Thanksgiving holiday visiting a hospitalized friend, a group of volunteers surprised the family with a home-cooked feast. While some superheroes rescue people from a burning building, she learned that others lay out checkered…

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