If you or a family member was recently diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury caused by an accident or intentional act, you could be entitled to financial recovery for medical bills and other damages. A traumatic brain injury lawyer serving Bacliff from D. Miller & Associates, PLLC can help you pursue recovery on a contingency basis.
According to Texas Civil Code Sec. 16.003, you only have two years from the date of the injury to file a personal injury lawsuit pursuant to Texas statutes. It takes time to gather evidence, talk to witnesses, and build a persuasive case. Call today for a free case evaluation: (713) 850-8600.
How We Prove Negligence in a Traumatic Brain Injury Case
A traumatic brain injury lawyer will examine the circumstances of the accident that caused your injury. They will review available information that may include:
- Eyewitness accounts
- Videos or photos of the accident and your injuries
- Police, accident, or incident reports
- Overview of the extent of your injuries and expected prognosis
- Any other evidence that is relevant to your case
Negligence occurs when a person or party did not act in a reasonable manner to protect you from harm. Some examples of this behavior include:
- A drunk driver who causes a car accident.
- A careless landlord who does not repair a broken sidewalk.
- An employer who does not supply proper safety gear.
If someone’s negligence caused you or a family member to suffer a traumatic brain injury, please call D. Miller & Associates for a free case evaluation: (713) 850-8600.
How Most Traumatic Brain Injuries Occur
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a traumatic brain injury is caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head that disrupts the brain’s normal functions. Any blow or trauma to the head is a reason to see a medical provider right away. Even a mild brain injury has the potential to quickly become serious.
Common causes of a traumatic brain injury are:
- Falls
- Falling objects
- Motor vehicle accidents including auto, truck, motorcycle, bicycle, and pedestrian
- Assault
- Gun violence
- Sports
When You Should Call a Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer
We encourage you to call our traumatic brain injury lawyers as soon as possible after the accident. There are several reasons for this:
- Evidence may erode or be removed.
- Witness memories can fade.
In addition:
- You should have a chance to at least consult an attorney before you speak to the insurance adjuster.
- You have a limited amount of time to take legal action.
- You deserve time to rest and recover, or to help take care of the person with the injury.
- We offer a free case evaluation at a convenient location.
D. Miller & Associates, PLLC takes care of the many details in a traumatic brain injury insurance claim. Our legal team vigorously pursues a fair insurance settlement. If for some reason we cannot negotiate an acceptable settlement, we can take your case to trial. For a free case evaluation, call (713) 850-8600.
We Help You Pursue Financial Recovery
You may have an abundance of medical bills in addition to your regular expenses. A traumatic brain injury lawyer serving Bacliff will help you sort through the complex process of seeking financial recovery.
One important service we provide is objectively evaluating your injuries and damages to evaluate your losses. In our experience, a traumatic brain injury can cost the victim and family now and in the future.
Damages that you may be entitled to receive include:
- Ambulance and emergency room services
- Hospitalization and skilled nursing care
- Other medical treatment and care
- Lifecare expenses
- Lost wages
- Diminished earning potential
- Temporary or permanent disability
- Disfigurement
- Pain and suffering
- Mental anguish
- Loss of consortium
Wrongful Death Claims for a Traumatic Brain Injury
Brain injuries can be fatal. If you lost a loved one because of another’s negligence, the lawyers at D. Miller & Associates, PLLC can help you file a wrongful death claim. You may be entitled to damages such as loss of income, pain and suffering, and final expenses.
There Might Be More Than One Liable Party
If your case is exceptionally complex, there may be multiple parties who each bear some responsibility for your injuries.
Our traumatic brain injury lawyers at D. Miller & Associates, PLLC understand the process for proving fault. We know what kind of evidence is needed to send a detailed claim to the insurance carrier or to file a personal injury lawsuit if necessary.
You should not have the stress of dealing with an insurance adjuster if you are injured or if you are a caregiver to an injured loved one. Please call D. Miller & Associates, PLLC for a free case evaluation: (713) 850-8600.
A Law Firm Dedicated to Results and Client Care
Since 2002, our legal team has helped countless injured men and women successfully seek financial recovery. We know how a catastrophic injury disrupts an entire family. Our entire team at D. Miller & Associates, PLLC will do all we can to help you, with client service that includes:
- Vigorous pursuit of financial recovery
- Prompt return of phone calls and emails
- Informative and engaging weekly Facebook Live events
- Personalized legal services
- Confidential and secure lawyer-client relationship
Learn how a traumatic brain injury lawyer serving Bacliff can help you pursue recovery. Call (713) 850-8600 for a free case evaluation.