When you are in a car accident caused by another motorist, you may be able to recover damages. These damages might include property damage, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other losses.Canada Car Accident Lawyer

You have a limited time to take legal action against a liable driver. We invite you to call our car accident lawyers for a free case evaluation: (713) 850-8600.

A Car Accident Lawyer Serving Canada Can Help You Recover Damages

If a careless driver caused an accident that has left you injured, it is in your best interest to understand your legal options.

Few people are comfortable navigating the legal process for seeking recovery. Filing insurance claims can also be a confusing and time-consuming procedure. When you factor in that you may be recovering from your injuries, dealing with an insurance adjuster is even more taxing.

We have successfully recovered damages for other car accident victims. While we cannot guarantee the outcome of your case, we will fight to get you the damages you deserve.

We Focus on the Details While You Focus on Recovering

A car accident lawyer can take care of the many details involved in pursuing financial recovery so that you may rest and feel better.

These details might include:

  • Obtaining evidence and testimony that shows how the other driver caused your injuries.
  • Reviewing important documents such as police and accident reports.
  • Securing videos and/or photos of the accident scene, your damaged car, and other details to support your claim.
  • Obtaining witness statements and following up as necessary for clarification.
  • Getting copies of your injury reports and discussing your prognosis with your healthcare provider (with your permission).

A car accident lawyer will communicate on your behalf with the insurance adjuster and the other party.

For a free case evaluation, call (713) 850-8600.

Get Medical Care Immediately After a Car Accident

According to Transport Canada’s National Collision Database (NCDB)’s Motor Vehicle Traffic Collision Statistics, there were 9,960 serious injuries in motor vehicle collisions in 2017.

Serious accidents after a car accident might include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Broken or crushed bones
  • Torn ligaments and other soft tissue trauma
  • Internal bleeding
  • Spinal cord injuries leading to paralysis
  • Other catastrophic injuries

Our car accident lawyers urge you to get medical care if you have not done so already. If you are under a physician’s care, please follow his or her recommendations.

We also suggest you do the following after you have been involved in a car accident:

  • Take photos with your cell phone of the damages and immediately after the accident, if possible.
  • Save receipts for towing, temporary transportation, and other related expenses.
  • Wait to speak to the insurance adjuster until you have the chance to consult a lawyer.

A car accident lawyer serving Canada is on your side and will work to recover damages from all liable parties. You deserve to know your rights and have those rights safeguarded by a strong, confidential legal advocate. Please call today for a free case evaluation: (713) 850-8600.

How a Car Accident Lawyer Establishes Liability

There are two sides to every story after a car accident. Sometimes, a negligent driver will step up and take responsibility for your injuries and damages. More often than not, it is up to the injured party to show how the other motorist caused the collision.

A car accident lawyer can gather evidence, testimony, and documentation to support a claim of liability against the other driver.

Liability claims include the following elements:

  • Establishing that the driver of the other car owed you a duty of care to avoid harming you.
  • Showing that the other driver breached this duty of care in some manner, either through intent, carelessness, or omission.
  • Establishing that this breach caused your injuries.
  • Demonstrating how your injuries caused your damages in the form of pain and suffering, disability, and other losses.

Our legal team will be diligent in our efforts to help you recover damages.

Damages From a Car Accident

Some car accident cases are resolved with an insurance settlement. This eliminates the emotional and financial burden of a trial.

However, a car accident lawyer can present your case in court if we are unable to negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance adjuster or the other driver.

Each case is different; therefore, we cannot specify what types of damages you could recover.

However, we have helped clients recover damages for such things as:

  • Medical expenses
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages
  • Other out-of-pocket expenses
  • Disability
  • Disfigurement
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish

Our car accident lawyers can negotiate with the insurance company to recover damages while you are recuperating from your injuries. For a free case evaluation, call (713) 850-8600.

Many Car Accidents Are Caused by Distracted Driving

Driving while intoxicated, drowsy, or distracted are among the leading factors for most car accidents.

The surge of cell phones and complex infotainment centers in today’s cars are creating dangerous environments for motorists. The Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) lists the following statistics:

  • You are four times more likely to be involved in an accident if you are talking on a cell phone even when using the hands-free choice.
  • Reading a text message for five seconds at 90 km/h is like driving the length of a football field while wearing a blindfold.
  • Distracted driving contributes to about four million traffic accidents in North America every year.

We can help, regardless of the conditions that caused your accident.

If You Were Injured by a Reckless Driver, Please Call a Car Accident Lawyer

You have the right to consult a car accident lawyer to learn about recovering damages. For a free case evaluation, please call a car accident lawyer serving Canada today: (713) 850-8600.