Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer in Houston, TX

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We can help you understand your legal rights after someone else’s careless actions caused you or a loved one suffer a spinal cord injury. Consult with a spinal cord injury lawyer in Houston, TX at D. Miller & Associates to discuss eligibility for compensation to pay your medical bills, cover lost wages, and more.

How a Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer Could Help You

A spinal cord injury changes your life in a matter of moments. While some people experience only minor lasting impairments, many lose much more. They spend months in the hospital and inpatient rehabilitation, and still many never return to their previous job or lifestyle.

If you or a loved one suffered a spinal cord injury and you believe someone else’s negligence might be to blame, the personal injury accident team at D. Miller & Associates, PLLC can review your case for free. We will explain if we believe you have a valid case, and help you understand any options you may have for recovering compensation. We handle these cases on a contingent basis, so hiring us will not put you under any increased financial stress.

Call us today at 713-850-8600 for a complimentary case evaluation with a Houston, TX spinal cord injury lawyer.

Damages Available After Winning a Houston Spinal Cord Injury Case

Spinal cord injuries require extensive treatment and ongoing care. This makes them one of the most expensive types of injuries to face.

In addition to the economic losses and expenses accident victims suffered, we can also seek to recover pain and suffering damages. As a part of calculating these damages, we will consider the nature and severity of your lasting impairments.

Some of the most common types of damages we frequently recover for our clients with spinal cord injuries include:

  • Medical treatment costs, including extended hospitalization and care
  • Inpatient rehabilitation
  • Continued inpatient or outpatient physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy and other types of recommended treatment
  • Prescription drug costs
  • Expenses stemming from necessary mobility or medical equipment
  • Home health and other ongoing care costs
  • Lost wages for missed work
  • The loss of earning capacity, if you cannot return to work
  • Repair or replacement of personal property
  • Other out-of-pocket expenses related to the injury
  • Pain and suffering damages

As a part of our investigation into your case, we will request copies of your medical records and may talk with experts about your prognosis, future care needs, and lasting impairments. This is important because we need to ensure we recover the compensation necessary to help you live the highest quality of life possible. We do not want to put you in a situation where you will need to pay care costs out of pocket later in life.

Winning a Spinal Cord Injury Payout in Houston, Texas

When we take on a spinal cord injury case, we often have a good idea who we think might be liable based on our client’s side of the story. However, we still need to conduct a full investigation to confirm our suspicions and collect the evidence necessary to hold them accountable. In some cases, we can also identify additional liable parties who contributed to your injuries. We can also hold them liable for their part in causing you to suffer damages.

Before we can hold someone liable, we must show they acted in a negligent manner and this caused your accident and injuries. There are four elements we must prove to effectively demonstrate negligence. This includes:

  • The person in question had a specific duty to do something or not do something to keep you safe.
  • They failed to do so, putting you in danger.
  • This failure directly led to your spinal cord injury.
  • You suffered physical injuries and financial damages because of this incident.

As an example, imagine a pool owner incorrectly marked the depth of their pool. Because you believed the pool was much deeper than it was, you dove in. You suffered a broken neck and spinal cord injury as a result. In this case, we will show:

  • This homeowner had a responsibility to replace the signage or warn you of the depth under the state’s premises liability
  • They failed to do so, leading you to believe the pool was deep enough for diving.
  • This failure led to your broken neck and spinal cord injury.
  • You now owe significant medical bills for your treatment.

Time Limits for Filing a Spinal Cord Injury Lawsuit in Texas

In most cases, under Limitations of Personal Action, Sec. 16.003, we have two years from the date your accident to file a personal injury lawsuit against the liable party. If we do not take action by this deadline, the court will likely bar us from filing a civil suit and holding the at-fault party accountable.

We only rarely need to take civil action, however. We usually settle personal injury claims without having to go to court by filing an insurance claim based on the at-fault party’s liability coverage. Most insurance companies are willing to negotiate with us to avoid us filing a lawsuit against their policyholder. We can often aggressively negotiate a fair payout based on the facts of your case.

Contact a Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer in Houston, TX, About Your Accident

The Houston catastrophic injury lawyers from D. Miller & Associates, PLLC will work with you to help you try to recover the compensation you need and deserve after suffering an injury caused by someone else’s negligence. If you or a loved one suffered a spinal cord injury in a Houston accident, we can help you build a strong case and file your insurance claim or lawsuit for you.

Let us review your case for free. We will answer your questions and offer advice about getting the money you deserve. Our consultations are free, and we handle these cases on a contingent basis. You pay no legal fees unless we win your case.

Call our Houston office today at 713-850-8600 to learn more.

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