Tomball Truck Accident Lawyer

Home | Tomball Personal Injury Lawyer | Tomball Truck Accident Lawyer

If you were injured in a truck accident, you may be entitled to recovery for medical expenses, lost wages, and other financial damages. A member of our team will evaluate your case for free. You have a brief time to seek recovery for truck accident injuries. Our truck accident lawyers serving Tomball are ready to secure a fair settlement or award for you.

Actions We Recommend After A Truck Accident

A truck accident can leave you feeling emotional. You may be recovering from your injuries in the hospital or at home. As truck accident lawyers, we strive to do all we can to help you and your family.

To make things easier for you, here are some suggestions that have helped other truck accident victims.

Get Medical Care And Follow Your Provider’s Instructions

If you have not been examined by a medical professional yet, please do so at once. Some people can suffer from whiplash or a concussion without symptoms for several hours after a collision. You do not want to jeopardize your health by assuming that you are fine—a medical professional can give you that reassurance.

If you are already under a medical provider’s care, please follow all instructions for rest, medication, or other prescribed treatment. Be sure to keep all your receipts, including a mileage log between your home and the doctor and pharmacy.

Record Or Write Down A Detailed Account Of The Accident

A truck accident lawyer serving Tomball, TX, with D. Miller & Associates, PLLC™ will consider many factors, including your personal account of what happened just before and after the accident. It is important to record these details while they are fresh in your mind. Be sure to include information such as:

  • Date and time of the accident
  • Where the accident happened
  • Weather and road conditions
  • What you saw and heard before and after the impact

Avoid Talking To The Insurance Adjuster Until You Talk To Your Attorney

A truck accident lawyer with our firm will take care of filing a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Unfortunately, it is in our experience that some insurance adjusters may take advantage of the fact that you are recovering from injuries and not feeling your best.

If you must talk to an insurance adjuster, please say only the following:

  • Make, model, and year of your vehicle
  • Day and time of the accident
  • Name of your insurance carrier

It is your right to politely refuse to answer any other questions or make a statement about the accident. An unscrupulous adjuster may use an innocent omission or inconsistency in your account to deny your claim.

D. Miller & Associates, PLLC™ Can Protect Your Rights

Our truck accident lawyers serving Tomball, TX, are familiar with the state’s liability and negligence statutes. We can also stand up to an insurance adjuster who may try to delay, deny, or undervalue your claim. You deserve to know your legal options and have your rights protected.

Our Team Will Help You Pursue An Award For Your Truck Accident-related Losses

A truck accident lawyer from D. Miller & Associates, PLLC™ will determine how a careless driver caused you to suffer injuries and related financial losses. We will pursue recovery for such damages as:

  • Medical bills, including ambulance, hospital stays, and follow-up care
  • Property damage such as car repairs and temporary transportation
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disability
  • Disfigurement
  • Lost wages
  • Reduced earning ability because of injuries
  • Mental anguish
  • Wrongful death if a loved one passed away from accident-related injuries

How Much Could You Recover in A Tomball Truck Accident Settlement?

Your accident could net you a fair settlement that pays all related losses. Such losses include those affecting you now and those you expect to affect you in the future. Our team cannot know how much you could recover until we look at your situation.

Many case results from around the country are never shared publicly, so it is hard for legal professionals to deliver an “average settlement” figure to their clients. However, we can call upon our resources and prior knowledge to estimate the kind of damages you could expect.

We Can File The Insurance Claim For You

Many truck accidents are settled out of court. It is common for both parties to reach a mutually acceptable settlement from the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier. However, if you accept a settlement, you generally lose your right to file a personal injury lawsuit.

That is why so many Tomball residents and other injured men and women throughout the area call D. Miller & Associates, PLLC™ for help. Our team has successfully represented many truck accident victims since opening our firm. As our client, you receive the highest level of care at every stage.

Miller & Associates, PLLC™ takes care of such details as:

  • Gathering evidence to decide who is primarily responsible for the collision: this evidence may include police reports, witness statements, photographs of the accident site, and your injuries.
  • Submitting a detailed claim for your damages: these include medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related losses.
  • Naming all liable parties, including the trucking company: our lawyers review the driver’s experience and training, truck and rig maintenance records, and driver’s logs, and safety and training procedures.
  • Negotiating with the insurance adjuster on your behalf: if we cannot reach an acceptable settlement, our lawyers can and will take your case to trial if necessary.

We Determine Who May Be Held Accountable

It can be difficult to determine which parties are liable in a truck accident because more than one party is typically responsible. This is due to vicarious liability laws that hold an employer liable for any actions its employees take within the scope of their employment. This means that if the truck driver is liable, the trucking company is likely also liable.

A municipality could also be responsible for your accident, as KTRK-TV reports. A city garbage truck or firefighting truck could have hit your car.

How Your Truck Accident Could Have Occured

A truck accident can arise from many situations, including:

A Negligent Driver Making A Decision To Behave Recklessly

The driver of the truck that hit you could have decided to get behind the wheel:

  • After reaching the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit
  • While tired
  • After taking a medication that tends to make users tired
  • While angry, with a tendency to speed or tailgate
  • While talking on the phone

A Municipality Filed To Fix A Hazard They Knew (Or Should’ve) Known About

A municipality could have known about a traffic signal that was out at an intersection and failed to promptly fix it. This could have resulted in a confusing traffic flow that led to a truck T-boning your car. You could hold the municipality liable for your losses.

There are more scenarios that could lead to a truck accident. Your lawyer will determine who caused your accident and what parties you could turn to for financial recovery.

Facts About Truck Accident Cases That Are Important To Know

Under Texas law, you usually have two years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury lawsuit. It takes time to build a compelling case, so it is important that you consult a truck accident lawyer today.

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDOT) reports that there are over 24 million vehicles, many of them trucks. TxDOT also states that there were over 6,400 total commercial vehicle accidents in 2019. Our team wants to help as many victims of such accidents as we can.

If You Were Hurt in A Truck Accident, Our Team Is Ready To Offer Our Services

A careless truck driver should be held accountable for any injuries they cause. A truck accident lawyer taking cases in Tomball, TX, with D. Miller & Associates, PLLC™ will protect your rights and pursue recovery on your behalf.

For a case evaluation, call (713) 850-8600.

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