What Should You Do After a Slip and Fall Accident?

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About Slip and Fall Accidents

Any fall can be a serious, even fatal cause of personal injury. Slips, trips and falls are frequent causes of accidents, both on and off the job.

Definition of a Slip and Fall Accident

A slip and fall accident (trip and fall or fall down accident) happens when a person falls on another person’s premises or property due to negligence of the property owner or occupier. These accidents may occur for a myriad of reasons.

A slippery or improper floor surface can cause a slip and fall accident. Torn or unsecured carpeting (carpeting that slips easily or is unattached), or wrinkled carpeting, is a common cause of accidents. Slick tile and marble flooring can cause a slip, trip or fall and should be properly treated to prevent the danger. Improperly sealed or waxed floors can be slippery causing an unsuspecting walker to fall. Also, spilled liquids or foods can cause a slippery floor surface.

Inside and outside, unexpected or unmarked changes in elevation can cause a slip and fall accident. Any low object extending into a walking space or an object intruding into a walking area, such as a misplaced item in a store, can be a problem as can poor lighting. Low visibility can cause missteps leading to falls. Not installing proper handrails or a lack of handrails can be dangerous. This may also be in violation of the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA).

What Should You Do After a Slip and Fall Accident?

If you or someone you are with has just fallen down, you need to remain calm and evaluate the situation. If you need emergency medical attention, call 911. Do not move the injured person until you are certain that it is safe to do so.

If you feel that the fall may have caused personal injury:

  • Request the names of all witnesses, including employees (if a business location). Be sure to get phone numbers and addresses.
  • Try to take photographs of the scene paying special attention to any conditions that may have caused the slip and fall accident.
  • Do not give statements about the fall before consulting with your attorney. It is especially important that you do not speak with anyone from the insurance company without your lawyer’s advice.
  • Do not sign any release or accept payment without consulting with your attorney.
  • Most importantly, contact your D. Miller Law attorney as soon as possible. Our lawyers are experienced in slip and fall accident cases will be able to help you through this difficult time. You should not have to deal with this alone.

Who’s Responsible for your Slip and Fall Accident?

A business or property owner bears the responsibility to exercise reasonable care in the maintenance of their property, as well as to notify or warn visitors to the property of any hazards that exist and might cause a slip, trip or fall. If the owner has been negligent in either failing to reasonable maintain their property or in properly warning visitors of the danger of a possible accident, they may be liable.

Determining liability in a slip and fall accident can be difficult, involving many contributing factors. Your lawyer will ensure that your rights are protected.

For your free consultation, with our personal injury legal team in Houston, please call or fill out the contact form on this page. There may be a time limit in your case, so call as soon as possible for your free consultation. You win with us!

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