Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Lawyer

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During the early 1950s to the late 1980s, many U.S. Marines and others lived, worked at, or visited Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, N.C. Here, individuals were exposed to harmful chemicals in the drinking water. Many suffered serious medical conditions, including various deadly cancers. In July 2022, WECT News 6 reported that the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 passed the Senate and House of Representatives. However, the Senate must approve the act again, and President Biden still needs to sign it. 

Many people may take legal action against the U.S. government for damages stemming from contaminated water exposure. If you or a loved one suffered a serious condition due to contaminated water exposure at Camp Lejeune, our firm can help. One of our Camp Lejeune lawsuit lawyers serving Texas from D. Miller & Associates, PLLC®, can take on the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and demand the financial recovery you deserve. You can learn more during a free case evaluation today.

Who Qualifies for a Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit or Claim?

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022, part of the Honoring Our PACT Act of 2022, outlines parties who can seek recovery if the act becomes law.

This includes anyone who spent a minimum of 30 days or more at Camp Lejeune between Aug. 1, 1953, and Dec. 31, 1987, could sue the federal government and other liable parties for the toxic water exposure. They must also have an official diagnosis for a medical condition linked to the chemical contamination of Camp Lejeune’s water supply.

This is significant, because in past years, people have tried unsuccessfully to hold the government accountable for their damages. When they attempted, they found that North Carolina’s two-year statute of limitations barred them from recovery. The Act would give people two years from the date it is signed into law to file their claims.

Camp Lejeune Survivors Can Also Apply for VA Benefits

Many Marines and others stationed at Camp Lejeune were likely exposed to chemicals in the drinking water. These chemicals, which include trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, benzene, and vinyl chloride (VC), were present in the drinking water used in residential and training areas. 

Today, many Marines, naval personnel, veterans, civilian workers, residents, and their family members have been diagnosed with serious medical conditions associated with chemical exposure via the base’s water supply. These people may qualify for U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits.

In 2012, Congress passed the Honoring America’s Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act to help ill Marines and their families pay the costs of medical care needed because of a Camp Lejeune medical condition. Specifically, free health benefits and payments are available for U.S. veterans, reservists, and National Guard members.

Qualifying claimants must show the following:

  • They were stationed at Camp Lejeune or MCAS New River, North Carolina, and were on active duty.
  • They served for 30 days or longer between Aug. 1, 1953, and Dec. 31, 1987.
  • They received an honorable discharge.
  • They have a qualifying health condition.

What Conditions Qualify for Camp Lejeune Benefits?

According to VA, the following health conditions can qualify individuals for medical and disability benefits:

  • Adult leukemia
  • Aplastic anemia or another myelodysplastic syndrome
  • Bladder cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Parkinson’s disease

Some other conditions may also qualify. These and other illnesses are on the list of medical conditions one must have to bring forward a negligence lawsuit under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022.

Recoverable Damages in a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit

Our Camp Lejeune lawsuit lawyer can review your situation and advise you on the losses you could recover for conditions related to the base’s contaminated water supply. Typical damages in these cases include:

  • Medical expenses (past, current, ongoing)
  • Lost income and/or lost or reduced earning capacity
  • Physical and mental pain and suffering
  • Disability, disfigurement, or scarring
  • Emotional distress, mental anguish
  • Lost or reduced quality of life
  • Loss of life enjoyment
  • Loss of companionship

Wrongful Death Damages Also Possible in a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Case

Some of the illnesses associated with Camp Lejeune can lead to death. If your deceased relative developed a medical condition after spending time at the Marine base, you could recover awards with a wrongful death lawsuit. Our Camp Lejeune lawsuit lawyer can talk with you more about recovery for wrongful death actions. As with other claims involving the base, certain conditions apply for you to bring forth a wrongful death action. Your deceased relative must have:

  1. Lived, worked, or spent time on Camp Lejeune’s grounds for a minimum of 30 days between Aug. 1, 1953, and Dec. 31, 1987
  2. Lost their life to an illness linked to Camp Lejeune’s contaminated water supply 

If you recover damages in a Camp Lejeune wrongful death action, you could receive awards that help you cover:

  • The decedent’s medical expenses
  • Funeral, burial, and cremation costs
  • Loss of the decedent’s earning capacity
  • Survivors’ emotional and mental anguish
  • Loss of the decedent’s comfort, love, and companionship

How Our Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Lawyer Can Help Your Case

Our attorneys work hard to get you a financial recovery to cover your medical bills and the continual care you may need. To date, we’ve recovered millions for our clients.

Since 2002, our legal team has been fighting for people like you and their families. Our staff includes Camp Lejeune lawsuit attorneys, personal injury attorneys, investigators, and paralegals, so we have the professionals and resources we believe a legal team should have. 

Gathering Proof of Your Injuries and Illnesses

We can help you prove your case for damages for injuries and illnesses you or a family member suffered because of the chemicals found in Camp Lejeune’s water supply. We can start by gathering evidence to support your position, such as:

  • Documents confirming when you or your loved one was at Camp Lejeune 
  • Official paperwork showing when the plaintiff(s) lived on the Marine military base between Aug. 1, 1953, and Dec. 31, 1987
  • Medical expenses (past, present, ongoing) for a condition covered under the VA’s disability benefits 
  • Medical records and other documentation confirming the medical condition or illness 
  • VA disability records (if you or a loved one receives VA disability benefits for a Camp Lejeune-related condition)

Handling All the Necessary Tasks

When you work with our Camp Lejeune lawsuit lawyer, we can:

  • Identify all parties responsible for the Marine base’s toxic water supply
  • Document witness accounts that back up your experiences 
  • Develop a case strategy that proves why damages are due to you
  • Consult with third-party professionals who can explain your illness or injury and how it affects your life
  • Advise you on all case developments and laws and answer your questions
  • Provide regular case updates

About Our Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Lawyers

We stand up to large entities regularly, like Veterans Affairs. Often, they don’t provide the financial benefits individuals and their families need and deserve, so we fight for these people and push for a fair outcome, even if it means filing a lawsuit. We can:

  • Be accessible to you whenever you may need us
  • Help you explore your legal options and advise you throughout your case
  • Schedule your doctor’s appointments if you would like
  • Meet you at a location that is convenient for you

Call Us Today for Help With a Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit

If you or a loved one wants to take action for a medical condition linked to Camp Lejeune’s contaminated water supply, the personal injury attorneys at D. Miller & Associates, PLLC®, are ready to help. 

Call us today for a free case evaluation so that we can advise you further about your potential case.

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