Collegiate Sexual Assault Lawyer

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Collegiate sexual assault can affect every aspect of your life. Sexual assault survivors can hold their attackers liable and obtain financial recovery for pain and suffering, medical bills, and other damages. Our firm represents several plaintiffs in several high-profile sexual assault lawsuits, including the University of Southern California (USC) and former staff doctors George Tyndall and Dennis Kelly.

College is supposed to be a rewarding life experience. What happened to you is not your fault. If you are suffering from the physical and emotional injuries of a sexual assault, you deserve a legal advocate who will help you get the justice you deserve.

For a free and confidential case evaluation, call D. Miller & Associates, PLLC at (713) 850-8600.

An Attorney Protects Your Legal Rights as a Sexual Assault Survivor

Each state has different requirements and statutes of limitations for filing a sexual assault lawsuit. A sexual assault is considered personal injury, and in Texas, the statute of limitations under TX § 16 is generally two years from the date of the incident. Certain factors, such as your age at the time the assault occurred, could affect the statute in your specific case.

A collegiate sexual assault attorney with D. Miller & Associates, PLLC will evaluate your case and explain your legal options. If you decide to move forward with our firm, your lawyer and our team of investigators and paralegals can determine how we may hold the defendant accountable and seek recovery.

Liability in a Sexual Assault Lawsuit

Our goal is to help you pursue recovery from all liable parties. In the case of Dr. George Tyndall, for example, the University of Southern California (USC) should be held accountable for his alleged sexual assaults. As his employer, USC did not remove Dr. Tyndall from his job as a staff gynecologist at the student health center despite many complaints. That is why a lawsuit in this matter would name both Dr. Tyndall and USC as defendants.

How More Than One Party May Be Held Liable

There are other examples of multiple liable parties in a sexual assault lawsuit:

  • The offender is a school professor, administrator, or other employee
  • The offender is a member of a national fraternity
  • If the assault took place where lighting and security was insufficient to protect you

You deserve a strong legal advocate to help you seek recovery and justice as a sexual assault survivor. A collegiate sexual assault attorney is here for you. For a free case evaluation, call D. Miller & Associates, PLLC at (713) 850-8600.

How We Build a Compelling Case

Some of the ways that a sexual assault attorney builds a convincing case may include:

  • Recording your personal account of the assault
  • Questioning witnesses
  • Reviewing police reports
  • Securing expert testimony on sexual assault injuries and damages
  • Requesting necessary information from the school
  • Speaking with your healthcare provider (with your permission) to gain a clear understanding of your assault-related injuries and damages

What Financial Recovery You May Be Entitled to Receive

Sexual assault is a violation of the mind, body, and spirit. Our firm can put you in touch with organizations that are trained in sexual violence counseling and support.

You may have a challenging time concentrating on your work or studies. Sometimes this can lead to poor job performance, retention, or failing grades. We will do everything in our power to get you the help you need.

It is common for a sexual assault lawsuit to seek recovery for damages such as:

  • Mental anguish
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium
  • Medical expenses including counseling, therapy, treatment, prescription medicine, and other related costs
  • Lost wages and/or reduced earning ability
  • Disfigurement
  • Disability

Our lawyers at D. Miller & Associates, PLLC work on a contingency basis. We invite you to call our firm for a free case evaluation: (713) 850-8600.

What the Law Considers Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is defined by the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) as a violation that occurs when “sexual contact or behavior occurs without the explicit consent of the victim”.

If you experienced any unwanted sexual contact, please act today. To find out how to hold your attacker liable and pursue financial recovery, call our firm for a free, confidential case evaluation.

Since 2002, Our Firm Has Fought for Recovery and Justice

D. Miller & Associates, PLLC is a law firm dedicated to helping those who have been injured, disabled, or lost family members from someone’s negligence.

A sexual assault attorney with our firm is familiar with the process of building a persuasive case. Often these cases involve multiple parties. Our practice areas include several sexual assault cases that you may have seen on the news:

  • Dr. James Heaps/UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) sexual assault lawsuit
  • Dr. Dennis Kelly/USC (University of Southern California) sexual assault lawsuit
  • Dr. George Tyndall/USC sexual assault lawsuit
  • Dr. Richard Strauss/OSU (Ohio State University) sexual assault lawsuit

For a free case evaluation, call our firm today: (713) 850-8600.

We Are Ready to Fight for You

You could lose your legal right to pursue recovery if the statute of limitations in your state expires. Please do not risk losing your right to hold your abuser liable. A collegiate sexual assault attorney with D. Miller & Associates, PLLC is ready to help you get the financial recovery you may deserve.

For a free case evaluation, call (713) 850-8600.

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