Zantac Cancer Lawsuit Lawyer

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Zantac is the trade name for Ranitidine, a widely used medication that reduces the body’s production of stomach acid for relief of heartburn, acid reflux, and other stomach and intestinal ailments.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued a recall of Zantac because of excessive levels of a cancer-causing ingredient. This ingredient has been linked to liver cancer, bladder cancer, stomach cancer, and other types of cancer.

If you or a loved one extensively used Zantac, and were recently diagnosed with cancer, you may be entitled to financial recovery. A Zantac cancer lawsuit lawyer may be able to help. Call D. Miller & Associates, PLLC for a free case evaluation: (713) 850-8600.

Can I File a Zantac Lawsuit?

Can I File a Zantac Lawsuit?

Drug manufacturers have a duty to their consumers that the medicine that they produce is safe to use, and does not contain harmful ingredients. Ranitidine and its trade name medicine, Zantac, is manufactured and distributed by about a dozen companies, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

An independent pharmacy discovered that Zantac contained high levels of a carcinogen and alerted consumers. Since then, 141 lawsuits have been filed against several manufacturers, according to the South Florida Sun Sentinel.

How You Could File a Zantac Lawsuit

You may be able to recover damages if you meet certain criteria of a Zantac individual or class-action lawsuit, including:

  • You are (or were recently) a regular user of Zantac, whether prescribed by your doctor or purchased over the counter.
  • You were diagnosed with bladder, liver, stomach, or another form of cancer by a healthcare professional.

You may also pursue financial recovery if a family member used Zantac regularly and passed away from cancer associated with the drug.

Consult a Lawyer Who Understands Your Case

Recovering damages from a dangerous medicine can be a complex process. For most people, the first step is to find a lawyer who accepts this kind of case. Since 2002, D. Miller & Associates, PLLC have helped people who suffered physical, emotional, and financial harm because of someone’s negligence.

Our practice area includes dangerous medications, medical devices, and defective products.

Zantac is one of the most popular medications to treat heartburn, acid reflux, ulcers, and other stomach and intestinal conditions. It has been on the market since 1985.

How Our Firm Might Help You

Don’t fight the manufacturer alone.

There are many benefits if you choose a Zantac cancer lawsuit lawyer from D. Miller & Associates, PLLC:

  • We have an understanding of liability and negligence laws.
  • We are a nationwide law firm with clients throughout the United States.
  • We take care all of the details so that you may focus on your health and well-being.
  • We have the resources and staff to focus on your case, provide regular updates and give you personalized client service.

We invite you to call for a free, no-obligation case evaluation with a member of our firm: (713) 850-8600.

What Is the Lawsuit Against Zantac?

What Is the Lawsuit Against Zantac?

Zantac contains a chemical called N-nitroso dimethylamine or NDMA in both prescription and over-the-counter versions.

According to the South Florida Sun Sentinel, the primary use for NDMA was to induce tumors in test lab animals.

In April of 2020, the FDA recalled Zantac. People who used Zantac regularly and received a cancer diagnosis are suing manufacturers for knowingly selling a drug containing excessive levels of an identified carcinogen.

Why Zantac Was Pulled from the Marketplace

NDMA is a highly toxic chemical that is known to cause cancer, since one of its uses is to induce tumors in experimental animals. Human consumption of NDMA is limited by FDA guidelines for a maximum daily intake of 96 nanograms (a nanogram is one-billionth of a gram).

A pharmaceutical startup company discovered that there is more than 3,000,000 nanograms per tablet when they conducted independent testing. At first, the FDA asked manufacturers to issue a voluntary recall. However, as evidence continued to grow that Zantac contained dangerously high levels of NDMA, the agency recalled both

prescription and over-the-counter versions.

Dangers of NDMA

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

  • Short-term exposure to NDMA may cause liver damage including liver failure, hepatitis, jaundice, and scarring.
  • Long-term exposure can increase the risk of tumors in the liver, kidney, and lungs.

The chemical may also cause:

  • Nervous system ailments
  • Irregular or rapid heartbeat
  • Below normal vitamin B-12
  • Greater risk of pneumonia
  • Blood platelet deficiencies
  • Skin rashes
  • Hair loss

It is difficult to believe that Zantac manufacturers were unaware of these known dangers. Despite this information being available from the EPA, these drug manufacturers and distributors did not disclose this risk to consumers.

Nearly 150 Lawsuits to Date

As of today, 141 lawsuits have been filed against drug manufacturers for failing to disclose that Zantac contained high levels of a known carcinogen.

Please call D. Miller & Associates, PLLC for a free case evaluation with a member of our team. Should you decide to go forward with legal action, a Zantac cancer lawsuit lawyer will be assigned to your case.

Can I Sue Zantac?

Can I Sue Zantac?

Zantac is the trade name for ranitidine. It is produced by Sanofi. Zantac is an H2 blocker to treat heartburn, acid indigestion, as well as more serious medical conditions.

Patients who were prescribed Zantac, or who purchased the drug over the counter, may have an increased risk of bladder, stomach, and liver cancer.

Several manufacturers produce Zantac and may be held liable for producing a drug that contains high levels of NDMA, a known carcinogen.

Who May Be Sued in the Zantac Cancer Case

A 2019 class-action lawsuit alleged that pharmaceutical companies Sanofi and Boehringer Ingelheim continued to sell Zantac even though they were aware of the cancer risk, according to an article in Bloomberg News.

The following are known Zantac and ranitidine manufacturers:

  • Acic Pharmaceuticals
  • Ajanta Pharma LTD
  • Apotex
  • Appco
  • Aurobindo Pharma LTD
  • Glenmark Pharma, Inc.
  • Heritage Pharma
  • Dr. Reddys Labs LTD
  • Novitium Pharma
  • Sandoz
  • Strides Pharma
  • VKT Pharma PVT LTD
  • Wockhardt LTD

You may be entitled to damages from a Zantac cancer lawsuit if you used the drug regularly and were recently diagnosed with cancer. A lawyer from D. Miller & Associates, PLLC can help you. For a free case evaluation with a member of our team, call (713) 850-8600.

FDA Recall of all Zantac and Ranitidine Products

The FDA recalled all Zantac products, including:

  • Oral tablets
  • Oral capsules
  • Film coated tablets
  • Zantac Cool Mint 150-mg doses
  • Effervescent
  • Zantac 75-mg and 150-mg doses

According to the FDA, Zantac was removed from the market so that the agency can investigate the possibility that NDMA increases over time or in warmer temperatures.

Why Sue Zantac

If you used Zantac regularly and were diagnosed with cancer, you may be entitled to financial recovery for your economic and noneconomic losses. You may also prevent other people from suffering a similar fate as your own by taking legal action:

Personal injury and mass torts lawsuits can:

  • Hold a liable party accountable.
  • Shine a light on unethical and dangerous business practices.
  • Encourage similar businesses to use extra caution to protect consumers from dangerous products.
  • Educate consumers to be more proactive about their buying choices.

A Zantac cancer lawsuit lawyer with D. Miller & Associates, PLLC can protect your rights and help you pursue recovery.

What Kind of Cancer Does Zantac Cause?

What Kind of Cancer Does Zantac Cause?

The FDA pulled Zantac from the market due to the hazards presented by NDMA. NDMA is a known carcinogen that was found at much higher levels than what the FDA considers safe for daily consumption.

A study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health found that people with an increased level of NDMA were 34 percent more likely to develop gastric cancer. Another study published in Carcinogenesis revealed that higher NDMA levels were linked to a higher risk of pancreatic cancer.

A joint research conducted by the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the Veterans Affairs St. Louis Healthcare System found that long-term use of heartburn medication, even at low doses, increases the number of fatal cases for cardiovascular disease, upper gastrointestinal cancer, and chronic kidney disease.

Zantac Cancer Lawsuits List Several Types of Cancer

The 141 lawsuits currently filed against the makers of Zantac allege that the drug caused several types of cancers, including:

  • Liver cancer
  • Stomach cancer
  • Bladder cancer
  • Lung cancer

You should be aware that there are other risk factors for these and other types of cancers, such as family history and smoking.

Other Cancers Potentially Linked to Zantac

Because ranitidine drugs are prescribed for gastrointestinal issues such as ulcers, acid reflux, and heartburn, Zantac may also increase the risk for:

  • Prostate cancer
  • Esophageal cancer
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Testicular cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Nasal/throat cancer

We recommend you contact us if you were recently diagnosed with any kind of cancer and used Zantac regularly. You may be entitled to financial recovery. For a free case evaluation with a member of our firm, call D. Miller & Associates, PLLC today: (713) 850-8600.

Safer Alternatives for Heartburn Relief

The FDA advises that people who are taking the prescription version of Zantac should talk to their healthcare provider about a substitute medicine.

The Mayo Clinic suggests that consumers who took the over-the-counter version of Zantac switch to other antacids and heartburn medicine.

Among the Mayo Clinic’s suggestions:

  • Esomeprazole (sold as brand name Nexium)
  • Lansoprazole (sold as brand name Prevacid)
  • Omeprazole (sold as brand name Prilosec)

The medications above do not contain NDMA.

Natural Alternatives for Heartburn

The Mayo Clinic recommends the following drug-free alternatives for people who experience occasional heartburn or acid reflux:

  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Avoid tight-fitting clothes around the stomach and waistline.
  • Refrain from eating foods that you know trigger heartburn.
  • Refrain from alcohol or caffeine.
  • Eat smaller meals, even if you eat more frequently.
  • Remain upright (do not lie down) for at least three hours after eating.
  • Do not smoke and if you do smoke, quit.
  • Elevate your head when you sleep.

If you or a loved one used Zantac regularly and now has a recent cancer diagnosis, please let us help. A Zantac cancer lawsuit lawyer may be able to help you recover damages for medical bills and other losses. Call D. Miller & Associates, PLLC for a free case evaluation with a member of our team.

What Are the Long-Term Side Effects of Zantac?

What Are the Long-Term Side Effects of Zantac?

Zantac has been linked to an increased risk of cancer, including cancers of the liver, bladder, and stomach. It has also been linked to an increased risk for fatal cardiovascular disease and chronic liver damage. The FDA issued a recall of Zantac products in April of 2020.

There are other serious side effects from taking Zantac and other ranitidine medications. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, Zantac’s over-the-counter label warned consumers about:

  • Chest pain that may or may not spread to the neck, shoulders, and arms accompanied by shortness of breath
  • Difficulty breathing or wheezing with heartburn
  • Losing weight without intention
  • Upset stomach, nausea, or vomiting
  • Stomach pain
  • Frequent chest pain

The label also recommends that pregnant or breastfeeding women should ask their doctor before using Zantac.

Long-Term Use of Heartburn Medication “Not Safe”

Researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and Veterans Affairs St. Louis Health Care System found that even low doses of H2 blockers – like Zantac – are “not safe” for long-term use.

Other researchers independently have studied heartburn medicine and noted an increase in such medical conditions as:

  • Bone fractures
  • Pneumonia
  • Heart disease
  • Dementia

If you or someone you love took Zantac regularly and was recently diagnosed with cancer, you could be entitled to recover damages. Please call D. Miller & Associates, PLLC today for a free case evaluation with a staff member: (713) 850-8600.

Zantac Use Linked to Liver, Bladder, and Stomach Cancers

According to the Mayo Clinic, it is more likely that another type of cancer spreads to the liver than cancer originating in this organ. However, every year about 33,000 people get liver cancer.

Bladder cancer is more likely to occur in men than in women, according to the American Cancer Society. It is the fourth most common type of cancer to strike men. Every year, approximately 81,400 Americans are diagnosed with bladder cancer.

Stomach cancer (or gastric cancer) usually develops in the lining of the stomach. When detected early enough, stomach cancer can be treated with surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy.

The high levels of a known carcinogen NDMA may increase your risk of developing liver, bladder, or stomach cancer, or other types of cancers.

What Should I Do if a Loved One or I Was Affected by Zantac?

What Should I Do if a Loved One or I Was Affected by Zantac?

It is unclear how many people are affected by high levels of a known carcinogen in Zantac and ranitidine products. If you or a loved one has been affected, there are steps you can take to protect your health and legal rights.

See a Doctor Right Away

If you or a loved one took Zantac regularly, you should see your doctor or healthcare provider. The earlier that any form of cancer is detected, the more treatment options you may have available. This can improve your prognosis.

If you or a loved one was diagnosed with cancer, it is important to understand your treatment options. You and your care team can discuss the next steps for your best quantity and quality of life.

Keep Documentation

Make sure you keep all documentation from your doctor regarding your health, including imaging tests, lab results, and other proof of a cancer diagnosis. You might also want to write or record how long you took Zantac, the dosage, and when you started taking it.

Learn Your Legal Options

A Zantac cancer lawsuit lawyer with D. Miller & Associates, PLLC can help you understand your legal rights, including the right to pursue recovery from the liable parties.

It is possible that you could recover damages by:

  • Filing an individual lawsuit where you are the only plaintiff.
  • Filing as one of many plaintiffs in a class-action lawsuit.

The Zantac cancer lawsuit is a high-profile case that will continue to generate interest. Often, the defendant will prefer to settle out of court rather than continue to be in the public spotlight.

What You Could Recover from a Zantac Cancer Lawsuit

Any pharmaceutical company, manufacturer, or marketing company that turned a blind eye to consumer safety should be held accountable.

A Zantac cancer lawsuit cannot take away the suffering for you or a loved one experienced, but it may provide financial relief for damages such as medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering.

There is a statute of limitations on seeking recovery for Zantac cancer cases. We invite you to call us today.

Why Is D. Miller Law the Right Firm to Handle My Zantac Cancer Lawsuit?

Why Is D. Miller Law the Right Firm to Handle My Zantac Cancer Lawsuit?

Not all law firms accept defective or dangerous drug product lawsuits. They tend to be complex, time-intensive, and require a lot of research. A law firm should also be ready to take the case to court and not settle for an inadequate offer.

D. Miller & Associates, PLLC does not shy away from tough cases or powerful defendants, such as multimillion-dollar pharmaceutical companies. We built our firm on the idea that everyone deserves equal justice under the law.

We are a nationwide law firm with the staff, resources, and determination to help you recover damages from all liable parties.

We Are Thorough and Detail-Oriented

D. Miller & Associates, PLLC has a personalized approach to each case. After all, your story, injuries, and damages are unique.

We invite you to call for a free case evaluation. A member of our firm will give you an honest assessment of your case to help you decide what the next step should be.

Should you decide to move forward with us as your law firm, we conduct a thorough assessment of your case. A Zantac cancer lawsuit lawyer will be assigned to you and will extract the necessary information needed to build a case.

This process usually includes:

  • Securing evidence and documentation that you were a regular Zantac user (either prescribed or over the counter).
  • Obtain evidence, documentation, and expert testimony that you were diagnosed with a type of cancer associated with the Zantac cancer lawsuit.
  • Compile proof of special damages, such as receipts from the hospital, your doctor, radiologist, pharmacy, and other expenses.
  • Calculate your general damages, including the intangible effect that this cancer diagnosis has on your health, your career, your family, and your life.

In some cases, your lawyer may consult with medical, vocational, and financial experts to evaluate your damages.

We Fight for Financial Recovery for You and Your Family

A cancer diagnosis is devastating enough, but when the cancer may be caused by negligence, it is heartbreaking. A lawyer with our firm will be with you each step of the way. Our entire team will do all we can to lift the burden of pursuing recovery from your shoulders so that you may focus on your health and spending time with your family.

Potential Damages from a Zantac Cancer Lawsuit

Some of the damages that you might be entitled to recover include:

  • Medical care and treatment (both current and future)
  • Lifecare expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of income or reduced earning ability because of diagnosis
  • Mental anguish

If you or a loved one was affected by the Zantac cancer lawsuit, please call D. Miller & Associates, PLLC for a free case evaluation today: (713) 850-8600.

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