Dallas Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Home | Dallas Personal Injury Lawyer | Dallas Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

The risk of motorcyclists sustaining a catastrophic injury in a collision with a vehicle can be high, especially if the motorcyclist was not wearing a helmet. Motorcyclists can suffer serious injuries like traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) or spinal cord injuries (SCIs) in motorcycle accidents, and in worst-case scenarios can even result in death.

If you or a loved one suffered a severe injury in a motorcycle accident in Dallas, Texas, you may have grounds to file for compensation. You can work with a Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer from D. Miller & Associates, PLLC® to develop your case against the at-fault driver or a related liable party. We help accident victims fight for their right to financial recovery, and we offer the first consultation for free to discuss your legal options.

Dallas Has Some of the Nation’s Deadliest Roads

Crash data reports indicate high patterns of fatalities on various roads in Dallas, with some roads and interstate highways being named as some of the deadliest roads in the United States. MoneyGeek analyzed over 10,000 records in Texas to determine which roads experienced the highest number of fatal crashes. The deadliest roads listed in Dallas, Texas, included:

  • Stemmons Freeway (I-35E)
  • Texas 12 Loop
  • Marvin D Love Freeway
  • I-30
  • I-45
  • I-20

The main causes of fatal crashes in Dallas involved speeding, alcohol or drug consumption, aggressive driving, distracted driving, and reckless driving. If you or a loved one was injured in an accident on one of the above roads or another street in Dallas, you can work with a motorcycle accident attorney from our firm to build your case. We can investigate the scene and gather other evidence to support your claims.

Motorcycle Accident Victims Can Demand Compensation for Their Injuries

As our team investigates your accident, we will need to know what kind of injuries you suffered during and/or after the motorcycle accident. In personal injury law, injuries are not exclusive to physical injuries but can include emotional, mental, and financial injuries as well. In general, compensatory damages are generally divided into two categories:

  • Economic damages: These damages include all financial-related losses, from income loss to expenses you had to pay for that are related to the motorcycle accident or your injuries.
  • Non-Economic damages: These damages include all physical, emotional, and mental damages. These damages do not have a tangible monetary value, so our team will assign a value to them using court-approved formulas.

It can take time to determine which damages you qualify for, as certain damages may develop after the accident occurred or the extent of these specific damages may take time to see (e.g., you need to fulfill certain treatment before we can determine its total cost). We will follow your journey and provide guidance when necessary.

We Help Clients Calculate Their Compensatory Damages

Some examples of compensatory damages you might claim include:

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Current and future loss of wages and benefits
  • Pain and suffering and inconvenience
  • Emotional distress or mental anguish
  • Permanent disability, including vision or hearing loss
  • Physical disfigurement, including bodily scarring or burn markings
  • Diminished quality of life, including loss of joy in former hobbies and activities (e.g., riding your motorcycle)
  • Reduced earning potential

We will collect financial documents, photographs, medical records, and other forms of evidence to calculate the value of your damages. Once we reach an estimate, we will use this figure as a goal for how much compensation to pursue in your case.

A Fatal Injury Can Change a Motorcyclist’s Surviving Family Forever

If you lost a loved one in a motorcycle accident, our team extends our deepest condolences to you and your families, as we know this is a rough time for you to go through. However, you may still have an opportunity to hold the right party or parties accountable for your loved one’s passing through a wrongful death action.

With this type of claim/lawsuit, you can pursue damages related to your loved one’s death, such as funeral arrangement costs or loss of financial support if they were a main contributor to the family. Our team can manage your case for you, which can allow you to process your loved one’s death without worrying about legal matters.

Don’t Wait to Take Action

Per Texas law, you generally have two years from the date of the motorcycle accident to file a lawsuit. If you are filing a wrongful death lawsuit, the filing period begins on the date of your loved one’s death.

Building a Case Can Take Longer than You Might Expect

While two years seems like enough time to submit your case, you also have to factor in the steps it takes to build it. When you work with a Dallas personal injury attorney from our firm, our team immediately goes to work so that we comply with the statute of limitations. Building a case typically involves:

  • Investigating the accident scene and reviewing documented information on it, such as the official crash report filed by local law enforcement.
  • Reaching out to witnesses who saw the accident or parties who might have video footage of it.
  • Filling out necessary legal paperwork.
  • Speaking with involved parties, such as insurance adjusters, legal teams, and court officials.

The other party might also reach out to negotiate a settlement deal with you. However, they might use tactics to delay negotiations so that you miss filing your lawsuit in time, which would have given you an edge in persuasion. Our mission is to make sure you don’t miss your opportunity to pursue compensation, so do not hesitate to start building your case today.

Contact D. Miller & Associates, PLLC® Today

Our Dallas personal injury attorneys at D. Miller & Associates, PLLC® have been serving clients since the firm was founded in 2002. We dedicate our efforts to building strong, comprehensive cases for our clients so that their stories get heard. If you or a loved one was injured in a motorcycle accident in Dallas, Texas, we want to help you fight for the compensation you need to get back on your feet.

Reach out to us today to schedule a free case review with one of our team members. We can assign a Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer to represent you and begin working on your case right away.

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