Who Pays for Your Medical Bills During the Personal Injury Claim Process?

You cannot be denied emergency medical care regardless of your ability to pay. If you were severely injured and hospitalized, keep your medical bills. You may be eligible for compensation from the person at fault. If you have not seen a doctor, you should see a medical professional right away. A personal injury attorney from […]

What Happens If Your Personal Injury Case Settles?

  Many personal injury cases are resolved with an insurance settlement. An insurance adjuster prefers to settle in exchange for your agreement not to sue. A settlement allows insurance companies to avoid the cost and publicity of a lawsuit in court. You Can Receive Compensation Quicker if Your Personal Injury Case Settles You typically receive […]

How do You Respond to a Low Personal Injury Settlement Offer?

How Do You Respond to A Low Personal Injury Settlement Offer

There are several ways to respond to a lower personal injury settlement offer. While it can be far from what you were expecting, you must remain professional when talking with an insurance company about its offer. Negotiating a fair settlement takes time, so it helps to stay calm as talks continue. It is common for […]

How Much of a Settlement Should I Expect for A Herniated Disk?

How much of a settlement should I expect for a herniated disk

Because the severity of every back injury varies, there is no set settlement you should expect to collect. As such, several factors affect a personal injury settlement for a herniated disk. They include how your injury affects your quality of life, the expected length of treatment, how expensive your medical bills are, and more. Factors […]

How Do Bicycle Laws Affect Personal Injury Cases in Texas?

Unlike most states, Texas does not have specific statutes concerning motor vehicles and bicycles. For example, there are no legal, safe passing distance laws. It is expected that drivers will uphold a duty of care in being safe and courteous, mainly if bicyclists are sharing the road. If a driver breaches this duty of care […]

Can Medicare Take My Entire Personal Injury Recovery Settlement?

Can Medicare Take My Entire Personal Injury Recovery Settlement

If you suffered an injury in an accident and Medicare covers your related medical bills, you may be worried about Medicare taking your personal injury settlement or judgment. But while Medicare may take some of your settlement, it generally will not take the entirety of your recovery.  An attorney at our firm can help you […]

What If I Am Partly Responsible for an Accident in Texas?

What If I Am Partly Responsible for an Accident in Texas?

You may still receive coverage if you’re partly responsible for an accident in Texas. Texas employs a modified comparative fault doctrine. This means that, so long as you were less than 51% responsible for your accident, you may receive coverage. What Is Proportionate Responsibility? Texas law assigns proportionate responsibility to those involved in an accident. […]

What Are the Three Types of Human Trafficking?

Three Types of Human Trafficking

While many forms exist, the three most common types of human trafficking include sex trafficking, forced labor, and debt bondage. Men, women, and children can become victims of human trafficking, particularly those from vulnerable communities. This global issue occurs both internationally and domestically, even in Houston. In fact, the Office of Human Trafficking and Domestic […]

Do Insurance Companies Pay For Pain And Suffering?

Do Insurance Companies Pay For Pain And Suffering?

Most insurance companies pay for pain and suffering, along with other types of damages. However, pain and suffering can be more challenging to prove than other kinds of losses. That is why many bicycle accident victims rely on a lawyer to help them negotiate for all their damages, including pain and suffering. Understanding Pain and […]

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