What Kind of Lawyer Do You Need for A Dog Bite Injury in Texas?

Dog Bite Cases Are Complex

A personal injury lawyer can help you after a dog bite injury in Texas. You just need to make sure the lawyer has experience representing clients in dog bite cases. Whether the dog attacked you out on the street, on someone’s property, on your property, or in a place of business, a dog bite attorney […]

What Are The Effects Of Traumatic Brain Injury On Your Financial Situation?

Young woman losing parts of head as symbol of decreased mind function.

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can significantly impact the financial situation of the injured individual or their whole family. Serious traumatic brain injuries require months of treatment and rehabilitation. Victims miss work and some are never able to return to their previous position. These costs and losses add up quickly, leaving accident victims struggling to […]

What Is a Deposition & How Do They Affect Personal Injury Cases?

Deposition - Wooden 3d rendered letters/message

A deposition is an out-of-court testimony. It is a question and answer session where a party questions the other. In a personal injury case, each side can use a deposition to gather information. The potentially liable party has the legal right to obtain information about the injury. They also have the right to see which […]

How Much Compensation Should You Expect For A Brain Injury Case?

How To Determine Your Case Value In A Brain Injury Case

The amount of compensation is difficult to ascertain a brain injury case depends on a number of factors, the circumstances of your accident, the extent of your injuries, and the amount of financial loss you incurred. How to Determine Your Case Value in a Brain Injury Case Although it is impossible to put an exact […]

How Do Personal Injury Lawyers Get Paid In Texas?

What Does ‘Winning A Case’ Mean In A Personal Injury Claim?

Personal injury lawyers in Texas get paid via several payment plans. These include lump sum payments, hourly retainers, and other arrangements. Your situation and financial ability will determine how you can pay for representation. How Can I Find a Personal Injury Lawyer with a Payment Plan That Works for Me? When looking for legal help […]

Can You Hire Our Personal Injury Lawyers with No Money?

Can You Hire Our Personal Injury Lawyers with No Money?

Yes, you can hire an attorney without a retainer. Sometimes this policy is referred to as “no recovery, no fee.” At D. Miller & Associates, PLLC, we are proud to serve personal injury clients throughout Texas who otherwise might not be able to afford legal representation. You pay no attorney’s fees unless we recover for […]

How Soon Do You Need to File A Claim After A Bicycle Accident in Texas?

Texas limits the time you can file a claim after a bicycle accident for two years from the date it occurred. This is the same statute of limitations for you to file a bicycle accident lawsuit. You might be eligible to recover compensation from the person at-fault’s insurance coverage. A bicycle accident lawyer in Texas […]

How Does Maximum Medical Improvement Apply to My Injury Case?

Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) is reached when a healthcare professional assess that you have recovered as much as possible from a work-related injury or illness. The Texas Department of Insurance uses an MMI to determine if you are eligible to receive long-term benefits. Work-related injuries have specific guidelines including MMI. To make sure you receive […]

What Should You Do If You Were Injured in A Hit and Run Accident in Texas?

It is a hit and run accident when a driver hits another car, person, animal, or property, then flees the scene without giving insurance information or first aid. If you were injured in a hit and run accident, get medical care for yourself and other injured people. After you have seen a healthcare professional, call […]

What Is the Value of a Spinal Cord Injury Case in Texas?

There is no set value for a spinal cord injury case. There have been recorded settlements of $500,000, $1 million, or more. However, a spinal cord injury case is unique. Call D. Miller & Associates, PLLC®  for a free case evaluation. Spinal Cord Injury Cases in Texas Can Be Worth Millions Spinal cord injury settlements and […]

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